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Mulheres à Cesta
Mulheres à Cesta

Mulheres a Cesta is a digital project with the objective of making available online, tools for the continuous construction of the history of women’s basketball in Brazil.

The idea of this initiative took place in 2005 with the completion of the research that led to the book “Mulheres a Cesta: history of women’s basketball in Brazil 1892-1971”. As a researcher, I experienced many difficulties to collect the necessary documentation to support the story to be told and to attest to the information shared in the interviews that make up the book today. I have always idealized a digital contribution that brought together primary and secondary sources available to any researcher interested in the history of women’s basketball in Brazil.

Thus, the site presents itself as a catalyst for information to assist research and disseminate women’s basketball in Brazil and worldwide.

Claudia Guedes – Sports Historian



Mulheres à Cesta


Mulheres à Cesta
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